Chapter 9: Classification

Classification Study Guide/Review

**Click on the following sites to reach the information for your classification web quest!

1. Biological Classification 
2. Ology: The Tree of Life  
3. Ology: It Takes All Kinds 
4. Classifying Critters 
5. PBS Classifying Life 
6. Game: A Touch of Class


Classification prt1 from jdrinks

 Brain Pop video on Classification

Classification  Vocabulary
** Note: on your vocab worksheets it says "archaea" and "eukarya" which are meant to be archaebacteria and eubacteria. Also, you do not need to define bacteria.
1) Classification: The division of organisms into groups, or classes, based on specific characteristics.
2) Taxonomy: The science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms.
3) Dichotomous Key: An aid that is used to identify organisms that consists of the answers to a series of questions.
4) Archaebacteria: a kingdom made up of bacteria that live in extreme environments.
5) Eubacteria:  A kingdom that contains all prokaryotes except archaebacteria.
6) Bacteria: Constitute a large domain of prokarotic microorganisms. 
7) Protista: A kindom of mostly one-celled eukaryotic organisms that are different from plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi.
8) Fungi: A kingdom made up of nongreen, eukaryotic organisms that have no means of movement, reproduce by using spores, and get food by breaking down substances in their surroundings and absorbing the nutrients.
9) Plantae: A kingdom made up of complex, multicellular organisms that are usually green, have cell walls made of cellulose, cannot move around, and use the sun's energy to make sugar by photosynthesis.
10) Animalia: A kingdom made up of complex, multicellular organisms that lack a cell wall, can usually move around, and quickly respond to their environment.

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